Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Plastic Plate Sensory Exploration

81e71f155ad7bad2bf8964d435a5ce32Do you have some left over plastic plates from a BBQ, picnic, or special occasion?  Why not put them to good use and create a sensory wall activity for your child with special needs to explore?  Make each plate it's very own sensory experience by using various textures glued onto the plates.  You can glue beds, corn kernels, rice, pasta, soft sand-paper, wool, faux fur, wooden sticks, bubble wrap, marbles, yarn, carpet, pieces, aluminum foil, craft pom poms, or whatever you desire.  Once the plates are dry you can glue them to a large piece of heavy corrugated poster-board, plaster paneling, or even suction cup/velcro them to plexiglass so you can change up the order.  Add magnets to the back and use them on your refrigerator, perfect reach for a toddler or seated child.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Say Cheese!

il_570xN.429480190_twdvDoes your child clam up every time you pull out your camera?  Here is a cute and inexpensive way to disguise the lens and give your child something fun and colorful to look at while trying to capture those memories.  Next time you are at your local mega-market, mall, or pharmacy check out the hair accessory aisle and look for bright whimsical "scrunchies" to use to place around your lens.  You an even buy plain scrunchies and decorate them up with some fabric/felt scraps to customize them just for your child's interests!  SMILE!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Easy Sensory Space

ec808523c871923ba40f96884fccda43Create an easy sensory space, quiet place, or time out hammock in your home by tying an old sheet in a (very) tight double/triple knot over the center of a sturdy table.  Make sure the sheet is tight enough to create an easy place to lay - but not swing -  for safety reasons.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Release Stress Hormones Naturally

crying Did you know, in laboratory tests, human stress  hormones were found in tears?  Stress hormones negatively affect every system and organ in the human body. Crying provides health by eliminating harmful stress hormones. Haven't you found that you feel relief after a good cry?  So go ahead Mommies of Miracles, and allow yourselves to cry it out as often as you need it so that you can refresh and renew for the special needs journey ahead.