Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DIY Feeding Tube Pads

There are a lot of cute and rather expensive vendors
available for solving the eternal problem of a  leaky stoma.  An easy and inexpensive way of containing leaks is to buy make-up pads at your local pharmacy. Just split them halfway with scissors and tape closed with soft surgical tape around the stoma.

These pads come in LARGE quantities at LOW prices, and you are guaranteed every day (or several times a day) that your child always hasa clean and leak free stoma.

p.s. You can also do this with breast pads for children with larger leaks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Quick Bib

Purchase a multi-pack of dental clips
(3pk around $8-10 dollars) from Amazon.com or online dental supplier
Create a bib out of washcloths, paper napkins, pillowcases, old t-shirts, chux pads, or use as a bib extender for the bibs your child has outgrown.  Throw one in your child's "go bag" to have one for impromptu restaurant visits, and beyond.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reuse Old Teething Links

Don't throw away those old teething links your
child has lost interest in!  They make perfect line tamers, bag hangers, and an extra pair of "hands" for holding trash bags open.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

EZ Wheelchair Cover

To keep your child's wheelchair clean while in use at home, simply throw a twin size sheet over it.  It fits most pediatric tilt-n-space wheelchairs easily and tucks in well allowing for harness and safety belt use.

Protects chair gears and surfaces from food particles/formula spills and minor "messes".