Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Make memories...decorate a pumpkin!

You child doesn't have to have the physical ability to "carve" a pumpkin or go pumpkin picking in order for you to make fun memories together this fall season.  Pick up small "pie" pumpkins from your local grocery store or super-center and a variety of paints, glue, permanent markers, feathers, google eyes, large beads, doll hair, etc. and create funny pumpkin faces out of all of these great craft supplies.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Trick or Treat...But I Don't Eat!!

Be sure to include a variety of non-edible items in with your treats this Halloween!  Dollar stores have great selections of small toys, games, stickers, kids tattoos, bubbles, party favors, and all sorts of fun items for kiddos who cannot eat candy due to medical issues, childhood obesity, diabetes, or special healthcare conditions (such as feeding tubes).

Don't forget to check out the Trick or Treat program on our website for more ideas!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

No Judgement

Stop judging! We don't know the whole story and should stop assuming we do. There may be a lot more going on that what we can see. Although someone's plight may seem insignificant to you, it may seem insurmountable to them.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Freshen up...

Throw a laundry dryer sheet into your child's "go bag" or diaper bag to prevent odors from building up!

p.s. This works for school bags, suitcases, dresser drawers, storage chests, and gym bags too!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Say Hello

Say hello to a stranger, or just smile at him/her. We never know what others are going through. Your small act of kindness may be just hat they need to turn a bad day around.