Tuesday, July 30, 2013


For many kids, practicing expected behavior before heading out can make a huge difference. They know what to expect, and when they are prepared they are much more likely to be able to react and respond appropriately. There are great books and tools for practicing social behaviors.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Multi-purpose stuffed animals...

Stuffed animals can make great positioners for children with extra positioning needs.  A teddy bear can make a great hand rest, pillow under the knees, or arm support.  Make sure that stuffed animals are not overly large or heavy and NEVER place stuffed animals in a crib or bed with an infant (suffocation hazard).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hospital Doggy-Bag

During hospital stays, any unused medical supplies, diapers, wipes, diaper creams, hygiene care items, etc. that are left in the room after the stay, bring home with you. As soon as a medical supply or care product enters your child's room, you have been charged for those items...if you don't take them, hospital infection control dictates that these items be thrown away...so take them home and use them for your child as they were intended!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Accept Help

When people ask if there is anything they can do to help, take them up on the offer. Asking someone to check you mail while stuck at the hospital, water your plants, take your spot in carpool, are all things that not only help you out, but generally the people helping (as long as you don't abuse the hospitality) are happy to be able to help.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's OKAY to Cancel

Don't worry about hurting friend's and family's feelings. If you are not able to go somewhere, cancel. There is no reason to risk the health and/or safety of your child to spare someone's feelings. If they are a real friend and/or family, they will understand.